Many of these documents are all licensed under a Creative Commons License and may be freely distributed under the terms of that license.
Call of Cthulhu (Masks of Nyarlathotep)
- The Thousand Forms (pdf and epub, zipped) - This is a short story that I wrote to provide some background information in the Masks campaign which I restarted after the first campaign ended in a near-TPK.
Glorantha is a world originally designed by Greg Stafford for the role-playing game, RuneQuest. More information on either can be found on the Glorantha website.
- Campaign Chronology (Version 3.0) (EPUB, zipped)
- Campaign Log (Version 3.1) (EPUB, zipped)
- Campaign Log (Version 2.0) (PDF)
- Speculations on the Anything Egg
- Speculations on the Final Combat between Arkat and Gbaji
- Speculations on the Nature of Arkat
- Duck Deities
The Eternal Champion
The Eternal Champion is a character created by the British author Michael Moorcock.
Monterey Jack
Monterey Jack is a character loosely based on Indiana Jones and was created by Ben Monroe.
- Who is Monterey Jack? (by Ben Monroe)
- Monterey Jack in "My Friends are in the Oven" (PDF)
- Monterey Jack in "Urbana Renewal" (PDF)
- "Monterey Jack and Doctor What" (PDF)
Star Trek
- Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Internet Style (Updated)
- Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Internet Style (Original)