Real Men Don't Play Fantasy Role-Playing Games
By Jeff Okamoto, Sandy Petersen, and lots of USENET folks
The whole thing started around 1983 or so. Sandy Petersen told me of
a party at Pacificon at the Dunfey Hotel in San Mateo in which the idea
came up of classifying the different styles of role-playing. They came up
with four different types, which are explained below.
They had come up with a few of the "Favorites". Sandy had thought
up some more and I took the task of coming up with even more.
I first posted Real Men to USENET in early 1985. Since then, I have gotten
very good feedback from assorted people and I have incorporated some of
the best "Favorites".
Contributors include Perry Caro, Chris Guthrie, Rick Heli, Robert Allen,
Ken Kaufman, and Merlyn LeRoy, to name a few.
The Real Man
The tough macho type who walks up to the attacking dragon and tells him
to leave before he gets hurt.
The Real Role-Player
The intelligent cunning type who tricks the constable into letting you
all out of prison.
The Loonie
The type who will do anything for a cheap laugh, including casting a
fireball at ground zero.
The Munchkin
Need I say anything more?
Favorite FRPG:
- Real Men play AD&D
- Real Role-Players play RuneQuest III
- Loonies play TOON
- Munchkins play anything by TSR
Favorite SFRPG:
- Real Men play Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game
- Real Role-Players play Space Opera
- Loonies play a variant Spawn of Fashan
- Munchkins play anything by TSR
Favorite 1920's RPG:
- Real Men play Gangbusters
- Real Role-Players play Call of Cthulhu
- Loonies play a very variant Spawn of Fashan
- Munchkins play anything by TSR
Favorite SHRPG:
- Real Men play Champions
- Real Role-Players play Superworld
- Loonies play an extremely variant Spawn of Fashan
- Munchkins play anything by TSR
Favorite modern day/spy RPG:
- Real Men play James Bond, 007
- Real Role-Players play Justice, Inc.
- Loonies play an unrecognizable variant Spawn of Fashan
- Munchkins play anything by TSR
Favorite Post-Holocaust RPG:
- Real Men play Twilight 2000
- Real Role-Players play The Morrow Project
- Loonies play an extremely unrecognizable variant of Spawn of Fashan
- Munchkins play anything by TSR
Favorite King Arthurian RPG:
- Real Men play Chivalry and Sorcery
- Real Role-Players play Pendragon
- Loonies play a variant of Spawn of Fashan so variant it shouldn't
be called Spawn of Fashan anymore
- Munchkins play anything by TSR
Favorite World/Setting:
- Real Men play in Greyhawk/Sanctuary
- Real Role-Players play in Glorantha
- Loonies play in Southern California
- Munchkins play wherever has the most magic items
Favorite Magazine:
- Real Men read The General
- Real Role-Players read White Dwarf
- Loonies read comic books
- Munchkins read anything by TSR
Favorite Dungeon Activity
- Real Men fight Red Dragons
- Real Role-Players bluff the Ogres
- Loonies tell dirty jokes to Green Slime
- Munchkins do whatever gives the most experience/rip each other off
Favorite Melee Weapon:
- Real Men use Broadswords/Bastard Swords/Pole Axes
- Real Role-Players use Rapiers and Main-Gauches
- Loonies use Stage Knives
- Munchkins use whatever gives the most plusses
Favorite Thrown Weapon:
- Real Men throw Spears/Javelins
- Real Role-Players throw Bolas
- Loonies throw their friends' magic items
- Munchkins throw whatever gives the most plusses
Favorite Missile Weapon:
- Real Men shoot Long Bows/Composite Bows
- Real Role-Players shoot Crossbows
- Loonies shoot Twinkie Bazookas
- Munchkins shoot whatever gives the most plusses
Favorite AD&D Spell:
- Real Men cast Fireballs
- Real Role-Players cast Find the Path
- Loonies cast Otto's Irresistible Nose-Picking
- Munchkins cast Smite Ruler and Transfer Loyalty of Populace
Favorite RQ3 Spirit Spell:
- Real Men cast Bladesharp 10 on their swords
- Real Role-Players cast Demoralize on their foes
- Loonies cast Befuddle on their friends
- Munchkins cast Fireball
Favorite RQ3 Sorcery Spell:
- Real Men cast Dominate Human on others
- Real Role-Players cast Damage Resistance on their familiars/themselves
- Loonies cast Dominate Human on themselves
- Munchkins cast Meteor Swarm
Favorite RQ3 Divine Spell:
- Real Men cast Berserker on themselves
- Real Role-Players cast Heal Body
- Loonies cast Face Chaos on the Crimson Bat
- Munchkins cast Timestop
Favorite AD&D Psionic Ability:
- Real Men use Body Weaponry
- Real Role-Players use Shape Alteration
- Loonies use Sea Anemone Hypnosis
- Munchkins use Assume Godhood
Favorite Alignment:
- Real Men are Lawful Good
- Real Role-Players don't use alignment
- Loonies are Amoral Silly
- Munchkins are whatever gives the most plusses
Favorite Religious-type Character:
- Real Men play Paladins
- Real Role-Players play Clerics
- Loonies play street preachers
- Munchkins play Demigods
Favorite Non-human as a PC:
- Real Men play Dwarfs
- Real Role-Players play Morokanths
- Loonies play a Dwarf-Elf halfbreed
- Munchkins play whatever gives the most plusses/Demi-gods
Favorite Undead to Summon:
- Real Men summon Ghosts
- Real Role-Players summon Wraiths
- Loonies send in an AD&D troll wearing a sheet
- Munchkins summon Cerberus
Favorite Way of Extracting Information from the Goblins:
- Real Men torture them
- Real Role-Players cast Legend Lore/Telepathy/Mind Read
- Loonies tell puns to them
- Munchkins peek behind the GM's shield
Favorite Demon/Devil:
- Real Men like Asmodeus
- Real Role-Players like Cacodemon
- Loonies like Spiro Agnew
- Munchkins like Satan's grandfather
Favorite God:
- Real Men worship Humakt/Orlanth
- Real Role-Players worship Issaries/Lhankor Mhy
- Loonies worship Hare Krishna
- Munchkins worship whoever gives the most plusses
Favorite Miscellaneous Magic Item:
- Real Men love Adamantine Claws
- Real Role-Players love Repulsor Rays
- Loonies love Radioactive Teeth/+3 Kleenex
- Munchkins love Uru's Hammer
Favorite Potion:
- Real Men drink potions of Superheroism
- Real Role-Players drink potions of Animal/Plant Control
- Loonies drink potions of Jell-O
- Munchkins drink potions of Deity Control
Favorite Ring:
- Real Men wear rings of Elemental Control
- Real Role-Players wear rings of Free Action
- Loonies wear rings of Smurf Control
- Munchkins wear rings of Infinite Wishes/the One Ring
Favorite Stick (ie, Rod/Staff/Wand):
- Real Men wield staves of Striking
- Real Role-Players wield staves of Healing
- Loonies wield staves of styrofoam
- Munchkins wield staves of Deity Power
Favorite Armor:
- Real Men wear Plate Mail
- Real Role-Players wear Elven Chainmail
- Loonies wear Horse Barding
- Munchkins wear powered armor a la _Starship_Troopers_
Favorite Helm:
- Real Men wear a Helm of Brilliance
- Real Role-Players wear a Helm of Telepathy
- Loonies wear a Helm of Blindness ("Works great against medusas")
- Munchkins wear a Helm of 360 Degree Vision with Force Field
Favorite Shield:
- Real Men don't use shields (can't wield a two-handed weapon)
- Real Role-Players use a Kite Shield
- Loonies use a panty shield
- Munchkins don't get the previous joke/use a Shield of Automatic Parry
Favorite Glove/Gauntlet:
- Real Men fight bare-handed
- Real Role-Players wear Gloves of Dexterity
- Loonies wear THE Glove of Michael Jackson Charisma
- Munchkins wear Gauntlets of Infinite Ring-Wearing
Favorite Boot:
- Real Men wear Seven League Boots
- Real Role-Players wear Boots of Stealth
- Loonies wear house slippers
- Munchkins wear Boots of Infinite Speed
Favorite Type of Mount:
- Real Men ride heavy war horses
- Real Role-Players ride palfreys
- Loonies ride sheep
- Munchkins ride heavy war tyrannosauri
Favorite NPC:
- Real Men like Tarl Cabot
- Real Role-Players like Medea
- Loonies like Doctor Who
- Munchkins like Darth Vader/Teela Brown
Favorite Animal to use as a Familiar:
- Real Men have Black Cats
- Real Role-Players have Owls
- Loonies have Slugs
- Munchkins have whatever gives the most plusses/Ancient Red Dragons
Favorite Kind of Elf:
- Real Men like the Pini's elves
- Real Role-Players like Tolkien's elves
- Loonies like Santa's elves
- Munchkins like Storm Giants with pointed ears
Favorite Kind of Dwarf:
- Real Men like Tolkien's Dwarfs
- Real Role-Players like Glorantha's Dwarfs
- Loonies like the Seven Dwarfs
- Munchkins like Earth Elementals with beards
Favorite Food to take on Expeditions:
- Real Men bring along burgers, fries, milkshakes, and pizza
- Real Role-Players bring along iron rations
- Loonies bring along Froot Loops/aluminum rations
- Munchkins bring along whatever gives the most plusses
Favorite Fantasy Author:
- Real Men read J.R.R. Tolkien "Lord of the Rings"
- Real Role-Players read Robert Asprin's "Thieves World" series
- Loonies read Robert Asprin's "Myth" series
- Munchkins read E. Gary Gygax
Favorite Spell:
- Real Men don't believe in magic
- Real Role-Players cast Elder Sign
- Loonies cast Summon Smurf
- Munchkins cast Control Cthulhu
Favorite Monster:
- Real Men like Deep Ones
- Real Role-Players don't like any of them
- Loonies like Master's of the Universe Slime
- Munchkins like Azathoth
Favorite Type of Character to Play:
- Real Men play Private Investigators
- Real Role-Players play Professors of Ancient Egyptian Archaeology
- Loonies play Red Indian Sex Maniacs
- Munchkins play Magic-Users
Favorite Science Fiction Weapon:
- Real Men use Laser Pistols/Blasters/Light Sabers
- Real Role-Players use Stun Guns
- Loonies use Thermonuclear Hand Grenades
- Munchkins use whatever gives the most plusses
Favorite Method of Handling Alien Monster:
- Real Men drive off the Bug-Eyed Monsters invading the Earth
- Real Role-Players negotiate with the refugees from the evil Empire
- Loonies hitch a ride with Vogons
- Munchkins invade the home planet of the BEM and enslave them all
Favorite Science Fiction Movie:
- Real Men watch "Star Wars/The Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi"
- Real Role-Players watch "2001: A Space Odyssey/2010: Odyssey Two"
- Loonies watch "The Three Stooges go to Mars"
- Munchkins watch "Star Trek-The Motion Picture/Star Trek II-The Wrath
of Khan/Star Trek III-The Search for Spock/Star Trek IV-
The Voyage Home"
Favorite Method of Space Travel
- Real Men use Hyperspace/Warp Drive
- Real Role-Players use suspended animation
- Loonies use the Infinite Improbability Drive
- Munchkins push the button and it goes
Favorite Star to Put a Colony Around:
- Real Men colonize Beta Lyrae
- Real Role-Players colonize Alpha Centauri
- Loonies colonize Cygnus X-1
- Munchkins colonize wherever gives the most plusses
Favorite Science Fiction Author:
- Real Men read Isaac Asimov
- Real Role-Players read Arthur C. Clarke
- Loonies read Bored of the Rings/Doon
- Munchkins read E. Gary Gygax
Favorite Monster
- Real Men like the Alien
- Real Role-Players like the Moties
- Loonies like the beach ball from Dark Star
- Munchkins like E.T.
Favorite Bar to Hang Out In:
- Real Men hang out at the Vulgar Unicorn
- Real Role-Players hang out at the White Hart
- Loonies hang out at the Big Bang Burger Bar/Restaurant at the End
of the Universe
- Munchkins hang out wherever they don't get carded
Favorite Superhero:
- Real Men like Batman (The Dark Knight)
- Real Role-Players like Jericho
- Loonies like Bat-Mite
- Munchkins like Galactus
Favorite Modern-day weapon:
- Real Men use .44 Magnums
- Real Role-Players use Walther PPKs
- Loonies use water pistols
- Munchkins use Infinite-Repeating Uzis
Favorite Actor:
- Real Men like John Wayne
- Real Role-Players like Claus Kinski
- Loonies like Curly
- Munchkins watch Saturday-morning cartoons
Favorite Actress:
- Real Men like Racquel Welch
- Real Role-Players like Adrienne Barbeau
- Loonies like Phyllis Diller
- Munchkins are far too young to know about Sex
Favorite Actor to play James Bond:
- Real Men like Sean Connery
- Real Role-Players like George Lazenby
- Loonies like David Niven
- Munchkins like Roger Moore
Favorite Card Game:
- Real Men play Gin
- Real Role-Players play Bridge
- Loonies play Fizzbin
- Munchkins cheat at Poker
Favorite Music
- Real Men listen to Bruce Springsteen
- Real Role-Players listen to 14th century madrigals
- Loonies listen to Weird Al Yankovic
- Munchkins are too busy watching their Favorite TV program
Favorite Convention Activity:
- Real Men "Do the Dealer's Room"
- Real Role-Players go to the seminars
- Loonies play video games
- Munchkins run and shout and cut in lines
Favorite Character type:
- Real Men like Troll Sky Raiders
- Real Role-Players like Dwarf Troubadours
- Loonies like Windling Warriors
- Munchkins like Verjigorm
Favorite First Circle Talent:
- Real Men like Fireblood
- Real Role-Players like First Impression
- Loonies like First Impression too, but use it on themselves in the
- Munchkins like starting with 3 ranks in Melee Weapons
Favorite piece of starting equipment:
- Real Men like a spiked mace
- Real Role-Players like Last Chance potions
- Loonies like dwarven mine rations they can't eat anymore
- Munchkins like Theran Behemoths
Favorite type of adventure:
- Real Men like crawling through kaers and going mano-a-mano with Horrors
- Real Role-Players like trekking across Barsaive and thwarting Questors of Dis
- Loonies like paddling out in inflatable sea horsies to paint graffiti
on the sides of T'skrang riverboats
- Munchkins like taking over the Theran Empire
Least Favorite of the Passions:
- Real Men think Raggok is a perversion of all that's good and holy
- Real Role-Players are revolted to the core of their souls by Dis
- Loonies like the idea behind Lochost but think it doesn't go far enough
- Munchkins think Garlen is a wimp but like free healing too much to say
so out loud
Favorite place in Barsaive:
- Real Men want to live on Sky Point and hold it against all comers
- Real Role-Players want to go to Blood Wood and join in the palace intrigues
- Loonies take their boogie boards and go surfing on Death's Sea
- Munchkins want to got to Thera and stare down the Sphinx ... and win

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License and is Copyright © 1985 Jeff Okamoto.
Jeff Okamoto / / 5 April 1996