From: (John M. Davis) Subject: John Davis's BARGE 2001 Trip Report Date: 24 Oct 2001 00:11:00 -0700 "I can't help it if I'm lucky" -- Bob Dylan, _Idiot Wind_ Typically, when I go to Vegas, I get adequate sleep, rise early, exercise, do some activity, then (soberly) play poker -- Well, I went oh-fer-Barge in all clean-living categories. It was Thursday night after a long session at Bellagio, where I got my Barge initiation playing in a 4/8 Horse Game with Mitch and Sabyl among others. In between shots of various spirits, Mitch ran over the table. He was kind enough to entertain us by (among other things) asking the dealer the question on everyone's mind, "I have a very personal question for you: what game are we playing?" Or during Omaha, "Were this five card draw, note my use of the subjunctive, you'd need to deal another card... unless we're drawing, in which case you're fine, and I'll take one." There was also some Woody Allen-ish ethnic humour, something on the order of, "Don't think I haven't noticed how when you pretend to ask 'you raise?' when you're actually saying 'jew raise' -- I object to your anti-semitism." (Although, maybe this particular item was from someone else.) Anyway, when all the laughter died in sorrow, an early morning rally still left me stuck over a hundred dollars. It was also during this game that I developed a not too modest intoxication that I nursed through the weekend. Friday night Andrew Prock and I sat down to Omahi with Nolan "Call if you don't like money" Dallah, Scott "they're playing on a different level", et al. The entire table had the giggles, and the play left much to giggle about -- more than once I had to wipe tears from my eyes and my abs hurt for a week afterwards. At one point, the dealer got caught up in the merriment, and wanting to participate started to relate an anecdote, "I was in a tourney at Orleans a week ago and..." He was immediately interrupted and asked, "Is this a bad beat story? Cuz I'm not interested." "No", he answered panic stricken, already having lost his audience. Maybe you had to be there. It was priceless. I still have a tough time not convulsing in laughter as I remember it. Other silliness in that game included Nolan and I betting on the number of people who would see the flop. I won three in a row, after each Nolan screamed "Noooo", looking pained and stopping just short of insinuating collusion. He won it back when I gave him 3-1 on the last round. Something wacky happened in that hand that I was laughing too hard to gasp the story out to Nolan at the time. So Now It Can Be Told: I forgot where the straddle was and miscounted, and discarded a playable hand to win the prop when I saw that the one seat liked his hand... Well he was already in and I counted him twice... "Nooooo". Saturday afternoon found me enjoying myself while playing poorly in the 4/8 HORSE, getting chopped up by Tiger and Ken Kubey and others. I was annoying Tiger (and Ken and others), I think, the lack of sleep and alcohol had left my already wanting personality less charming than usual -- but I'll always remember Tiger's counsel to me fondly, "The problem with your theory, John, is that you didn't have four fours." I stayed in the game for a long time as it evolved into CHORSE-L and somehow got lucky enough to book a small loss rather than set a record for a 4/8 loss. At one point, not having Mitch (or Nolan) around to ask the dealer what game we were playing, a funny thing happened. In Stud, it was brought in for a full bet, a nine raised, and Sabyl looked down the table and half chuckled, "The nine raised? Re-raise." Well, you can guess the rest, Sabyl eventually ended up knocking the nine off his big pair, most of the while thinking that she was playing Razz. The nine was not as amused as everyone else at the showdown. Lucky for Sabyl she had actually caught bad for Razz and was kind of blustering through the hand (based on the other guy's poor Razz board) -- but she did find out what game we were playing in time to drag the pot. Sunday & Monday, again at the Bellagio, again very lucky there in low-limit stud and holdem. Let me describe one hand: AKs, 7-way, I raise and re-raise before the flop. The flop misses me. So I jam. By the turn it's apparent that I'm drawing dead. So I jam. On the river, I check-raise without a hand into four people who are at this point concerned that I may have three cards and who all have me badly beaten. Okay, so I lost that one. Anyway, Andrew Prock stops by to say hello to some other BARGE acquaintance sitting across from me who'd just sat down and seen the hand. When Andrew says hello to me, the guy says with disbelief, "You're with BARGE?", he asks, clearly skeptical that I'd ever played poker but absolutely certain he was looking into the eyes of a maniac. I actually had a very big night, and I've decided to refer to the butchery as an image play that may be appropriate against weak opposition over which you have control on a night where the deck hits you over the head -- this play is only for beginners. Overall, Vegas was kind to me despite many butchered hands. A lot of good cards, rolled up back to back in stud, 4 times total in one long session that also featured a straight flush. Yep, I'd rather be lucky than good -- of course, most of all I'd like to actually be able to choose between the two... I'm usually extremely tight (an unimaginative rock) and varyingly weak (note the importance of varying one's play) -- but during Barge I experimented with several other strategies, maniac, calling station, annoying drunk, etc. I also played in all the tournaments (unexceptionally), and nothing of interest happened outside my excellent IRCSOME teammates carrying me into the money in the CHORSE (I played crazy pineapple for a small profit but left more chips on the table than I care to confess). This was my first BARGE and I lurk on rgp more than post, so I was quite the unknown and went with some trepidation. The good will and cheer from so many made the trip memorable, and I've resolved to make it an annual outing. The efforts at welcoming virgins (a topic I've seen discussed here) was much appreciated -- I think it a good thing. (After all this talk of trip reports, I decided it was finally time to get this out -- I hope it meets the approval of the style police.) Cheers, jmd